The TESS Project has allocated a number of two-minute and 20-second cadence targets for programs that fall outside of the Guest Investigator program. Proposals for these Director’s Discretionary Targets (DDT) can be submitted at any time, using the process described below. Proposal submission should generally occur at least six weeks before the beginning of the sector the targets are to be observed in. Later submission of a DDT proposal, up to two weeks before sector start, is possible under certain circumstances: please note these circumstances in the DDT proposal.
Up to 500 DDT targets per sector will be allocated for 2-minute data targets and 200 DDT targets are allocated for 20s data.
DDT proposals do not automatically renew and must be re-proposed every year.
The list of active DDTs can be found at the bottom of this page. The full list of DDT proposals, including target lists, can be found here (the entries in boldface are currently active; the rest have expired).
Approval process:
Targets reviewed by the TESS PI, a science expert selected by the TESS PI, and the TESS operations team.
All targets will be checked to confirm that they are observable (i.e. imaged onto a CCD). Proposers will be notified of those that will not be imaged onto a CCD. Proposers are strongly advised to check their targets before submission using the tess-point tool: either download from or use the web tool at
Principal requester will be notified via e-mail and approved targets will be posted here, along with the expected time(s) of observation. There is no proprietary period for approved DDT observations.
Data from a DDT observation will be delivered to the TESS archives concurrently with the non-DDT data from the sector in which the DDT is observed
Instructions for submitting a DDT proposal:
Download and complete the templates below for the proposal and target list.
Proposals must be submitted six weeks before the start of sector (check sector calendar here).
Prioritize targets from 0.0 (lowest) to 1.0 (highest)
Keywords can include target name and any other relevant identifiers. No limits on the number of keywords. The DDT program number will be added to the keywords by the POC.
Submit template to tess-ddt at mit dot edu six weeks before start of sector. A DDT ID will be assigned to each proposal by the review team.
DDT proposal templates
Please contact the TESS Science Office with any questions at tess-ddt at mit dot edu.
DDT | PI | Subject | Cadence | # Targets | Active? |
087 | Daniel Huber | HWO Tier 1 and 2 targets | 20s | 659 | yes |
086 | Alexander Venner | TESS Observations of a Unique Planet Candidate from K2 | 20s | 1 | yes |
085 | Zixin Zhang | Orbital Period Decay in WASP-107 | 20s | 1 | yes |
084 | Martina Veresvarska | Accreting White Dwarfs as a Laboratory for Testing Accretion Flows | 20s | 1 | yes |
083 | Natalie Allen | The multi-timescale multi-telescope view of stellar contamination in the WASP-19 system with JWST and TESS | 20s | 1 | yes |
081 | Georgina Dransfield | Multiplicity of TIC 192833836 | 2m | 1 | yes |
080 | Karen Pollard | The most active exocometary host star known | 20s | 1 | yes |
079 | Michelle Kunimoto | Exploring Potential Lensing Source TIC-107150013 | 20s | 1 | yes |
078 | Mikkel Lund & Ashley Chontos | Continued Observations of Bright Asteroseismic Stars with TESS | 20s | 162 | yes |
077 | Luke Bouma | Complex Periodic Variables | 2m | 77 | yes |
075 | Andrew Vanderburg | 20s Observations of a single transit | 20s | 1 | yes |
073 | Rahul Jayaraman | Observations of Tria-Axial Pulsators | 20s | 4 | yes |