RA (J2000): 282.4427°
Camera | RA | Dec | Roll | Ecliptic Longitude | Ecliptic Latitude |
1 | 336.080854 | 44.142142 | 123.651212 | 0.880244 | 48.999782 |
2 | 307.848344 | 61.545880 | 146.575631 | 0.889559 | 72.999782 |
3 | 252.914541 | 65.496448 | 16.507004 | 180.839416 | 83.000216 |
4 | 214.058095 | 51.567046 | 50.228240 | 180.867881 | 59.000217 |
All coordinates are degrees (J2000) |
Map of TESS camera fields-of-view for Sector 15 in ecliptic coordinates. Camera 1 is red, camera 2 is magenta, camera 3 is blue, camera 4 is green. The field of camera 4 looks distorted because it is centered on the ecliptic pole. The thin black line is the ecliptic; the thick black line is the galactic plane.
Map of TESS camera fields-of-view for Sector 15 in celestial coordinates. Camera 1 is red, camera 2 is magenta, camera 3 is blue, camera 4 is green. The thin black line is the ecliptic; the thick black line is the galactic plane.