%% LaTeX template for the DDT, science, and technical justification and %% feasibility to be submitted for short-cadence TESS observations under %% the Director's Discretionary Targets program. This template is based on %% the TESS GI template. %% %% TESS Guest Investigator Proposal DDT template %% (based on the Cycle 1 template) %% V1.0 %% 2018-10-19 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% DOCUMENT FORMAT %%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% The default font was chosen to be easily readable while allowing %% sufficient material to be included. %% Please note that the proposal will be printed on US Letter size paper, %% 8.5 in x 11 in, and that formatting the text for other sizes will %% generally cause layout problems and may result in text being cut %% off near the edges. PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THE 'LETTERPAPER' OPTION %% IN THE DOCUMENTCLASS COMMAND. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% Default format: 11pt single column %%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% NOTE: NASA ROSES requires body font size to be no smaller than 15 %% characters per inch (equivalent to Times Roman 12 point). %% %% Minimum margin size is 1 inch from top, bottom, and sides. \documentclass[letterpaper,11pt]{article} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% HOW TO INCLUDE FIGURES %%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Please see the ``Included packages'' section below. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% Included packages %%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \usepackage{graphics,graphicx} \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} \hypersetup{urlcolor=blue} \usepackage{cleveref} %% Feel free to modify the included packages list to use your %% favorite packages. %% In the graphics and graphicx packages, Postscript and eps figures %% can be included using the \includegraphics command. The graphics %% package is part of standard LaTeX2e and provides a basic way of including a %% figure. The graphicx package is not standard, but extends the %% \includegraphics command to make it more user-friendly. If graphicx %% is not available on your system please remove it from the list of %% included packages above. %% Syntax: %% In the graphics package: %% %% \begin{figure} %% \includegraphics[llx,lly][urx,ury]{file} %% \end{figure} %% %% where ll denotes 'lower left' and ur 'upper right' and the x and y %% values are the coordinates of the PostScript bounding box in %% points. There are 72 points in an inch. %% %% In the graphicx package: %% %% \begin{figure} %% \includegraphics[key=val,key=val,...]{file} %% \end{figure} %% %% where some of the useful keys are: angle, width, height, %% keepaspectratio (='true' or 'false') and scale. Bounding box values %% can be given as [bb=llx lly urx ury]. %% %% In either case you have to use LaTeX figure placement commands to %% position the figure on the page; \includegraphics will not do %% that. Both these commands also have other options that are listed %% in the LaTeX manual (for the graphics package) and in 'The LaTeX %% Graphics Companion' (for the graphicx package). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% Page dimensions %%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \setlength{\textwidth}{6.5in} \setlength{\textheight}{9in} \setlength{\topmargin}{-0.0625in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0in} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0in} \setlength{\headheight}{0in} \setlength{\headsep}{0in} \setlength{\hoffset}{0in} \setlength{\voffset}{0in} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% Section heading format %%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \makeatletter \renewcommand{\section}{\@startsection% {section}{1}{0mm}{-\baselineskip}% {0.5\baselineskip}{\normalfont\Large\bfseries}}% \makeatother %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% Some Useful Abbreviations %%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand{\tess}{{\it TESS}} \newcommand{\jwst}{{\it JWST}} \newcommand{\kepler}{{\it Kepler}} \newcommand{\ktwo}{{K2}} \newcommand{\hst}{{\it HST}} \newcommand{\msun}{$M_{\odot}$} \newcommand{\rsun}{$R_{\odot}$} \newcommand{\lsun}{$L_{\odot}$} \newcommand{\re}{$R_{\oplus}$} \newcommand{\me}{$M_{\oplus}$} \newcommand{\rj}{$R_{\textrm{\scriptsize Jup}}$} \newcommand{\mj}{$M_{\textrm{\scriptsize Jup}}$} \newcommand{\ms}{m~s$^{-1}$} % enter the proposal title here \title{The Title of this DDT Proposal for Great New 2-minute Targets} % enter the proposers, including at least one contact email, here \author{Proposer \#1 (Institution | email), Proposer \#2 (Institution), ...} %\date{} \begin{document} \pagestyle{plain} \pagenumbering{arabic} % this command generates the title and author list \maketitle % this text can be deleted by the proposer \noindent{The recommended sections for a TESS DDT proposal are shown below. The PDF of the proposal is limited to 2 pages, including text, figures, and references. Target tables should be submitted as a separate machine-readable text file containing the following columns: TIC ID, relative priority (0.0-1.0,highest), keywords (separated by semicolon). \section{DDT Justification} Summarize why this program requires allocation of Directors Discretionary Targets for observation at 2-minute cadence. Please explain why these targets should be included before the next TESS Guest Investigator call and why they were not proposed in the previous Guest Investigator call. \section{Scientific Justification} Provide text and figures that justify the scientific merit of the proposed \tess\ short-cadence observations. The proposal will be reviewed by the TESS PI, a science expert selected by the TESS PI, and the science operations team. Please provide sufficient background to be understood by a broad audience of astronomers. \section{Target Justification and Feasibility} Summarize the target sample and demonstrate why 2-minute cadence is necessary. Demonstrate that the proposed \tess\ investigations are feasible; consider the \tess\ survey strategy, target observability, and required signal-to-noise, etc. The \tess\ Science Support Center (\href{https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/tess/}{TSSC}) makes several tools available to help estimate these quantities. Indicate the expected number of sources bright than 7 magnitudes, as these may require extra-large pixel stamps. \section{References} List of references. \end{document}