The table below summarizes the Director's Discretionary Target
proposal for the entirety of the TESS mission. Included are DDT number,
name of the DDT principal investigator, the subject of the DDT, the cadence
requested (20s or 2m), and the number of targets. A link to the DDT
candidate target list is provided for each DDT.
Note that all targets observed at 20s cadence are also observed at 2m cadence.
If there are questions or comments, please contact Joel Villasenor ( or Roland Vanderspek (
DDT # | PI | Subject | Cadence | No. Targets | CTL |
087 | Daniel Huber | HWO Tier 1 and 2 targets | 20s | 659 | DDT087 |
086 | Alexander Venner | TESS Observations of a Unique Planet Candidate from K2 | 20s | 1 | DDT086 |
085 | Zixin Zhang, Bo Ma | Orbital Period Decay | 20s | 1 | DDT085 |
084 | Martina Veresvarska | Accreting White Dwarfs as a Laboratory for Testing Accretion Flows | 20s | 1 | DDT084 |
083 | Natalie Allen | The multi-timescale multi-telescope view of stellar contamination in the WASP-19 system with JWST and TESS | 20s | 1 | DDT083 |
081 | Georgina Dransfield | Multiplicity of TIC 192833836 | 2m | 1 | DDT081 |
080 | Karen Pollard | The most active exocometary host star known | 20s | 1 | DDT080 |
079 | Michelle Kunimoto | Exploring Potential Lensing Source TIC-107150013 | 20s | 1 | DDT079 |
078 | Mikkel Lund & Ashley Chontos | Continued Observations of Bright Asteroseismic Stars with TESS | 20s | 162 | DDT078 |
077 | Luke Bouma | Complex Periodic Variables | 2m | 77 | DDT077 |
076 | Anne Dattilo | 20s Observations of a Young, Near-Resonant Planetary System to Measure TTVs | 20s | 1 | DDT076 |
075 | Andrew Vanderburg | 20s Observations of a single transit | 20s | 1 | DDT075 |
074 | Gerald Handler | The second Delta Scuti/roAp “hybrid” pulsator? | 20s | 1 | DDT074 |
073 | Rahul Jayaraman | Observations of Tria-Axial Pulsators | 20s | 4 | DDT073 |
072 | Mia Sloth Lundkvist | Granulation in M-dwarfs | 20s | 2 | DDT072 |
071 | Mikkel N. Lund | Asteroseismology of bright stars | 20s | 20 | DDT071 |
070 | Jeremy Schnittman | triple eclipsing system | 20s | 8 | DDT070 |
069 | Agnes Kospal | Reverberation in DR Tau | 20s | 1 | DDT069 |
068 | Mikkel N. Lund | Asteroseismology of Hyades and Preasepe Giants | 20s | 8 | DDT068 |
067 | Mary Anne Limbach & Andrew Vanderburg | Ages from Asteroseismology for the Habitable Worlds Observatory Targets using 20-second-Cadence TESS Data | 20s | 58 | DDT067 |
066 | Donald Kurtz et al. | Whatever happened to HD60435? | 20s | 1 | DDT066 |
065 | Michelle Kunimoto | New TOIs from Nearby Planet Candidates | 2m | 5 | DDT065 |
064 | Roland Vanderspek | CRM data collection | 20s | 64 | DDT064 |
063 | Daniel Huber | JWST Exoplanet Host Stars | 20s | 41 | DDT063 |
062 | Eder Martioli | TESS planet candidates orbiting thick-disk stars | 2m | 1 | DDT062 |
061 | Nestor Espinoza | Obtaining the best precision out of HAT-P-14b transit observations | 20s | 1 | DDT061 |
060 | Rahul Jayaraman | Tidally Tilted Pulsators in Cycle 4 | 2m | 3 | DDT060 |
059 | Daniella Gagliuffi | A Search for Asteroseismic Oscillations in 14 Her | 20s | 1 | DDT059 |
058 | Kevin Burdge | Eclipsing binary ZTF J1539+5027 | 20s | 1 | DDT058 |
057 | Maximilian N. Günther | Young Stellar Merger Remnant TYC 2597-735-1 | 20s | 4 | DDT057 |
056 | Mia Sloth Lundkvist | Asteroseismic observations of the Methuselah star | 20s | 1 | DDT056 |
055 | Maria Pia Di Mauro | The characterization of the host star GJ504 | 20s | 1 | DDT055 |
054 | Nora Eisner | Asteroseismic investigation of an evolved, bright planetary system | 20s | 1 | DDT054 |
053 | Rahul Jayaraman | OBA Stars with TESS | 20s | 3 | DDT053 |
052 | Alexis M. S. Smith | A unique chance to observe the transit of a planet in a 522-d orbit | 2m | 1 | DDT052 |
051 | Krista Lynne Smith | A NICER-TESS Synergistic Look at QPOs in AGN | 2m | 1 | DDT051 |
050 | Melinda Soares-Furtado | Asteroseismic Investigation of a Pulsating Blue Straggler in Open Cluster M67 | 2m | 1 | DDT050 |
049 | Michelle Kunimoto | White Dwarf Exoplanets | 20s | 50 | DDT049 |
048 | Michelle Kunimoto | White Dwarf Exoplanets | 2m | 412 | DDT048 |
047 | Michelle Kunimoto | M Dwarf Exoplanets | 2m | 2031 | DDT047 |
046 | Rahul Jayaraman | A Low-Temperature sdBV star in a Long-Period Binary | 20s | 1 | DDT046 |
045 | Michelle Kunimoto | Faint Star TOIs | 2m | 390 | DDT045 |
044 | Elyse Incha | Single-transit Planet Candidates from K2 Campaign 19E | 2m | 3 | DDT044 |
043 | Michelle Kunimoto | White Dwarf Exoplanets | 20s | 10 | DDT043 |
042 | Michelle Kunimoto | White Dwarf Exoplanets | 2m | 73 | DDT042 |
041 | Huber | A Survey of Oscillations and Granulation in Evolved Solar-Type Stars | 2m | 14838 | DDT041 |
040 | Venkatessh Ramakrishnan | TESS monitoring of quasar jets with standing shocks | 2m | 6 | DDT040 |
039 | Michelle Kunimoto | M Dwarf Exoplanets | 2m | 738 | DDT039 |
038 | Travis Metcalfe | Asteroseismology of Spectropolarimetric Benchmark Stars | 20s | 3 | DDT038 |
037 | Belinda Nicholson | Searching for transits of Year 2 single transit planet candidates | 2m | 123 | DDT037 |
036 | Trevor David | Weighing Newborn Planets in the V1298 Tau System | 2m | 1 | DDT036 |
035 | Melinda Soares-Furtado | Asteroseismic Investigation of Pulsating Blue Stragglers in NGC 6819 | 2m | 11 | DDT035 |
034 | Robert Aloisi/Andrew Vanderburg | White Dwarf Exoplanets Identified in TESS FFI Images | 2m | 39 | DDT034 |
033 | Sam Grunblatt | Hot Jupiters Around Evolved Stars | 2m | 25 | DDT033 |
032 | Rasmus Handberg | Asteroseismology of Solar-type stars, High-Frequency A-F Pulsators, and White Dwarfs | 20s | 1397 | DDT032 |
031 | Jamie Tayar | Digging Deep Into Massive Star Variability | 20s | 1 | DDT031 |
030 | Krzysztof Helminiak | Confirming a circumbinary planet with eclipse timing variations | 20s | 1 | DDT030 |
029 | Luke Bouma | Complex Modulation of Rapidly Rotating Young M Dwarfs | 20s | 10 | DDT029 |
028 | Luke Bouma | Complex Modulation of Rapidly Rotating Young M Dwarfs | 2m | 47 | DDT028 |
027 | Veselin Kostov | Stellar Multiples and Circumbinary Planets from TESS | 2m | 9 | DDT027 |
026 | David Wilson | Measuring the spin period of a rare magnetic white dwarf | 2m | 1 | DDT026 |
025 | Isaac Lopez | Candidate Pulsating Low-Mass White Dwarfs from Gaia DR2 | 2m | 26 | DDT025 |
024 | Diana Dragomir | TESS Single Transit Planet Candidate (TSTPC) | 2m | 100 | DDT024 |
023 | Andrew Vanderburg | Observations of New, High-Priority White Dwarfs with Circumstellar Dust | 2m | 19 | DDT023 |
022 | Vichi Antoci | High-frequency A-F pulsators | 20s | 2412 | DDT022 |
021 | Don Kurtz | Quiet A stars | 20s | 53 | DDT021 |
020 | Veselin Kostov | Stellar Multiples from TESS | 2m | 32 | DDT020 |
019 | Derek Buzesi | B Star Asteroseismology | 2m | 27 | DDT019 |
018 | Andrew Vanderburg | TIC 207425167, a system with a long-period Jupiter with only a single transit | 2m | 1 | DDT018 |
017 | Nicolas Crouzet | Characterizing the XO-7 System | 2m | 1 | DDT017 |
016 | Timothy Bedding | High-frequency Delta-Scuti Stars | 2m | 373 | DDT016 |
015 | Jari Kajava | Quasi-periodic eruptions from an active galactic nucleus | 2m | 1 | DDT015 |
014 | James Davenport | QX Cas | 2m | 1 | DDT014 |
013 | Joshua Pepper | Single-transit candidates for Year 2 | 2m | 25 | DDT013 |
012 | Avi Shporer | Known Transiting Planets | 2m | 39 | DDT012 |
011 | Isaac Lopez | Candidate Pulsating Low-Mass White Dwarfs from Gaia DR2 | 2m | 40 | DDT011 |
010 | Nobu Kawai | X-ray sources observed by MAXI | 2m | 90 | DDT010 |
009 | Colin Littlefield | TESS observations of erratic accretion onto the magnetized white dwarf in V496 UMa | 2m | 1 | DDT009 |
008 | Padi Boyd | Solar Siblings in Sectors 12 and 13 | 2m | 2 | DDT008 |
007 | Allison Youngblood | Searching for planets around high velocity stars to enable UV Transmission Spectroscopy | 2m | 113 | DDT007 |
006 | JJ Hermes | New White Dwarfs from Gaia | 2m | 239 | DDT006 |
005 | Christopher Burke | Discovered TOIs | 2m | 20 | DDT005 |
004 | Jessie Christiansen | Lowest-Metallicity TESS Targets | 2m | 3361 | DDT004 |
003 | Ian Crossfield | K2 Planet Candidates | 2m | 60 | DDT003 |
002 | Lisa Kaltenegger | Stars where TESS can probe 1AU equivalent distance | 2m | 1811 | DDT002 |
001 | Zach Berta-Thompson | New Young Moving Group Members from Gaia DR2 | 2m | 1865 | DDT001 |
Last updated: Thu 06 Mar 2025 12:48:07 PM EST