RA (J2000): 165.04746°
Camera | RA | Dec | Roll | Ecliptic Longitude | Ecliptic Latitude |
1 | 189.9002 | -23.8878 | 245.6694 | 198.72 | -18.00 |
2 | 176.1577 | -45.1375 | 237.7218 | 198.72 | -42.00 |
3 | 147.6953 | -62.8858 | 34.2551 | 198.72 | -66.00 |
4 | 90.0018 | -66.5620 | 341.2774 | 198.72 | -90.00 |
All coordinates are degrees (J2000) |

Map of TESS camera fields-of-view for Sector 10 in ecliptic coordinates. Camera 1 is red, camera 2 is magenta, camera 3 is blue, camera 4 is green. The field of camera 4 looks distorted because it is centered on the ecliptic pole. The thin black line is the ecliptic; the thick black line is the galactic plane.

Map of TESS camera fields-of-view for Sector 10 in celestial coordinates. Camera 1 is red, camera 2 is magenta, camera 3 is blue, camera 4 is green. The thin black line is the ecliptic; the thick black line is the galactic plane.
Targets for Sector 10
During Sector 10, 20,000 stars are observed at two-minute cadence, and full-frame images are collected every 30 minutes.
The list of targets observed at two-minute cadence are given on the Target List page. The target list includes the camera and CCD on which the target can be found, TIC ID, RA, declination, and TESS magnitude.
Target Characteristics
Distribution of TESS target magnitudes in the four cameras

Distribution of TESS target radius in the four cameras

Distribution of TESS target effective temperatures in the four cameras