all transients in sector23 (124 total)
Each figure has three panels. The top panel shows the transient light curve, the middle panel shows the local background (estimated in an annulus), and the bottom panel shows a "background-model corrected" light curve. Details about the background model are in the README.
The vertical red line marks the time of discovery reported to TNS. Other useful metadata from TNS is in the figure title.
Note that the top and bottom panel are in magnitudes, while the middle panel is in differential flux units. The magnitudes are calibrated to the flux in the reference image used for image subtraction. Thus, flux from the host galaxy is included in these magnitudes.
3-sigma upper limits are plotted as triangles with no errorbars. A typical limiting magnitude is 19.6 in 30 minutes or 18.4 in 200 seconds (for low backgrounds).
The links allow you to download the light curve data as a text file.
More details in the README.
2020flo 2020fhm 2020hao 2020evr 2020hkl 2020gei 2020euy 2020hdw 2020fpr 2020fuc 2020hik 2020ghu 2020hdh 2020flc 2020hsv 2020hgp 2020ghp 2020fdq 2020fuf 2020fzk 2020fbt 2020hkv 2020heh 2020frp 2020erj 2020fhh 2020fcx 2020exj 2020hfi 2020fkv 2020hgz 2020gdj 2020fli 2020hfv 2020frs 2020fjz 2020hhh 2020fmz 2020eyf 2020fig 2020hmp 2020fue 2020hgs 2020hph 2020hcq 2020fwt 2020fac 2020fjs 2020hlf 2020fcw 2020fyp 2020hih 2020hct 2020gkt 2020ftl 2020fik 2020ewt 2020hko 2020evq 2020fhn 2020hhm 2020fyf 2020hrr 2020fbj 2020gzr 2020hlh 2020frn 2020hfk 2020gaf 2020fmx 2020ezy 2020ewz 2020fuq 2020fwi 2020hgq 2020ghq 2020fis 2020fug 2020hsh 2020fsk 2020hhc 2020hqy 2020ezp 2020hij 2020epi 2020fhe 2020flg 2020hee 2020hsr 2020fmt 2020fad 2020fqv 2020fhl 2020frk 2020fqi 2020frt 2020fnc 2020eyb 2020har 2020gbb 2020fop 2020hhs 2020hln 2020exn 2020fuh 2020fag 2020hef 2020fld 2020hgw 2020fra 2020fof 2020fcv 2020hsn 2020fyk 2020fio 2020fzi 2020fip 2020ftw 2020hbj 2020etd 2020hhi 2020ezz 2020hie 2020hne